Jasmine City Pledging to the HomeStone Sept,18,2023

Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): Looks with reverence as all present gather around the Home Stone.
Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): "We welcome you all, who are assembled this day around by the Home Stone of the City of Jasmine to witness the inauguration of it's citizens.
Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): Many words come to mind when we speak the word Home Stone. A few words are Honor, Respect. Loyalty, Integrity and Family.
Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): We are gathered here today to pledge or re pledge our allegiance to this Home Stone. We are a close group of like minded people here and by taking this pledge you are now declaring that you are more then that , you are declaring that you are part of this family that is Jasmine.
Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): These are a few book quotes:It is said that A Home Stone is a rock. It is often simple, and minimally decorated if at all. It has no intrinsic value, except that is taken as symbolic of the heart and soul of the community that pledges itself to it and is thus invaluable. As a literary tool, it serves to exemplify the dual importance of personal sovereignty and community loyalty.
Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): To a City, the Home Stone is what life is to man. While the Home Stone survives, so, too, must the City. These stones are various, of different colors, shapes and sizes, many of them intricately carved. Some of the largest Cities have small, rather insignificant Home Stones, but of incredible antiquity, dating back to the time when the City was a village. Each City has its Home Stone. But also, the simplest and humblest village, even the most primitive hut in that village, perhaps only a cone of straw, will contain its own Home Stone
Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): Citizenship in most Gorean communities is not something accrued in virtue of the accident of birth but earned in virtue of intent and application. The sharing of a Home Stone is no light thing in a Gorean city."Slave Girl of Gor Page - 394

Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): There is no one Oath that applies to all so Each person may touch the Home Stone, and say or text any words that come from the heart. Anyone wishing to pledge please say aye and come forward, and announce your name and which caste do You declare
Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): Those claiming this Home Stone please step forward.

Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): We will start with Lady Dara !

Lady Dara Arliss (AthenaYiYi Resident): Moves to the HomeStone and touches it" I pledge myself to the city of Jasmine as my HomeStone. To do my best to be of help and assistance to all. I am proud to call Jasmine my Home."

Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): TY Dara , next Fara !

Fara Quintessa: I Fara Quintessa, I declare City of Jasmine to be my 

Homestone. I will honour my pledge, be loyal to the city and everyone in it, and try to be honorable.

Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): TY Fara , next Mimi !

Mimi Arliss (Mimi Evergarden) shuffled her feet up to the podium where the home stone lay, lifting her head up in pride and places a delicate finger on top. "I, Lady Mimi  of the Caste of Warriors, pledge myself to the city of Jasmine as my home stone. I am lucky to have been born and a part of this wonderful city and to serve its people in anyway that I can". After taking a short bow, she returned to her sister Dara's side.

Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): TY Mimi next Bean

Bean Mistwalker (Wabberz Resident) turns and grabs here sister ava by the hand and pulls her up next to her

Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): watches closely

Bean Mistwalker (Wabberz Resident) grins huge and holds there hands up together " We the Wild land tribes swear to protect jasmin and slaughter all those that threaten it "

Ava Mistwalker (Kolinukoli Resident): "yushhh"

Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): TY Bean, I believe that is everyone for swearing in for today!

Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): “Then with the power vested in me, 

Neptune Hunter, Magistrate and Head of the Caste of Scribes of this Gorean City of Jasmine, hereby pronounce You, Dara scribe, Fara merchant, Mimi warrior, Bean warrior. Free men and women and citizens of the city of Jasmine, may our Home Stone never see the limits of your honor for the Jasmine Home Stone. May your days here be filled with happiness, good health, and friends who care for your till your dying breath! ”

Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): the ceremony is now concluded free drinks in the tavern !

Mimi Arliss (Mimi Evergarden): Yee!

Mori Hunter (Moriquendhi Resident): Well done everyone

Lady Dara Arliss (AthenaYiYi Resident): "Thank you Neptune was a wonderful Ceremony!"

Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): TY for coming

Neptune (NeptuneHunter Resident): Its the people make it worthwhile

Fara Quintessa: claps and hugs each and every one , great to be of Jasmine

Ava Mistwalker (Kolinukoli Resident): congratulations

Lady Dara Arliss (AthenaYiYi Resident): Congrats to all!!!!

Lady Dara Arliss pledges to Jasmine.

Fara Quintessa pledges to Jasmine.

Mimi Arliss pledges to Jasmine.

Bean Mistwalker pledges to Jasmine.

Mori Hunter Admin of Jasmine.

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